Hi there! I am a professional, driven and spirited artist with a passion for creating engaging visual content. Specialising in photography and graphic design, the language I speak is full of colour, impactful imagery and
crisp, cohesive design.
The main driving force behind my creative practice is a photography style known as Pictorialism. I am drawn to this style, as it highlights the beauty of the subject by using light, composition and tone to prompt an emotional response. It is important to consider every element of an image, from styling, set design and makeup to lighting, camera angles and concept. I like to think about all of these elements before I’ve even pressed the shutter-release. Anyone can take a photo, but I love to think about the ‘Why?’, specifically your ‘Why?’. Similarly, in design it is important for a brand identity to create a mood and tone which is synonymous with the desired values and personality. These are the formations which fuel my creative process and enable me to respond and adapt to each unique client need. One size does not fit all!
From a young age I've always had a passion for the arts, continually entranced by the richness of my surroundings. At the beginning of 2014 I was able to put my inquisitive mind to good use by studying a Bachelor of Digital Media with Australia's top creative arts school; Queensland College of Art. During this journey, I have found my place as a contemporary practitioner and wish to broaden my creative horizon and collaborate with others, just like you! I would love you to join you on this journey.